Luxury car manufacturer Porsche has banned employees from using internet sites such as Facebook, Google Mail or Ebay during office hours, for fear of industrial spying, German media reported on Saturday.

Corporate security chief Rainer Benne told business weekly Wirtschaftswoche that the company feared information could be leaked via social networking site Facebook in particular.
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It is for sure that slowly many corporates will start implementing it.
I wonder how such a blanket ban would work! I have doubts about the effectiveness of such a measure.
I don't understand how come ban on usage of social networking sites only during office hours help solve the problem?.
The employees can very well copy the official content in to USB's and post it in a social networking website. :(
It is a misconduct to carry out any activities other than assigned job during office hours. Any employees should not use internet for own use during office hours. It is another matter that all employers are not strict. It is significant that Porsche has banned use of only some sites and not all and that too only during office hours. This is fair.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is a ridiculous measure and is destined to fail in achieving its stated goals!
No Chinmoy, actually such a measure is quite effective, it has worked in the place I worked before!

Its not that people do that intentionally, but lack of proper knowledge about what kind of information to share is more prevalent and people tend to share lot of information with friends quite innocently. Implementing such a ban may prevent such occurences to a great extent.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The company has the right toi regulate he staf actiuviiues during office hours nothiung wrong. Apart from security aspect, the staff must give more atention to assigned work.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think it is better then completing banning of using Internet for personal office..Some offices dont allow Employees to handle Internet for personal use..
This company has only just banned in sharing official information.. :(
It is obvious as through social networking it is very easy for employees to reveal vital secrets of a secret project.

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