What do you think should be done about the people that refuse to pull over when they hear an ambulance or fire truck siren?


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Although I have not come across any such case,in a situation like that they should be forcibly removed from the path.
I don't think so, Indians are good at heart. I have not seen any such incidents in chennai.
In fact,I have seen more heart-warming sights of very common people taking initiatives to make way for an ambulance!
Hmm!!!! I havent seen such people but maybe I wonder what will happen if a VIP vechicle and ambulance have to pass...which one will be given prefer..TO my knowledge ambulance is always given way..
People always give way to ambulance. If we put ourselves in their situation surely we will give way for the ambulance.It is all about mindset. :)
Blame the traffic cops for this. They stand like pillars near the signal even after spotting the siren ( but the case is different when they spaot a politician siren
I don't think people could be that bad in India as not to give way to ambulance....

Infact they do give way....
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