Dengue is on rise ...know the Symptoms and contact doctor if you have any...


•Fever, with a sudden onset, often rising to 40-40.5 degrees centigrade.

•Rash, which shows up 3-4 days after the start of the symptoms, starting from the trunk region and spreading to the face, arms and legs.

•Muscle aches (myalgia)

•Joint aches (arthralgia).


As Prevention is better than Cure


Personal protection against mosquito bites should be done by using mosquito repellents, netting and wearing clothes that cover the body while going out. Rooms should be properly screened with gauze/screen/wire-mesh. Care should be taken to see that there are no stagnating water bodies around the living areas and the surroundings are kept clean.

Please spread this information to people who are not aware..
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It has come back to us after it was eradicated some years back.Thanks,Rajani for sharing very useful information about it!
very good information....but still there are many cases of dengue.....

i would pass on this message to all the people i know..

:woohoo: :woohoo:
Yes maybe other countries are handling it well in before but in India it is not possible which is main reason for increase in cases..
Thanks for the valuable information Rajani...

Its good to know the symptons, because other disease r on a rise too...
Thanks for the information,Rajani. Also, don't forget to get yourselves vaccinated with the swine flu vaccines. :) :)
Important facts about Dengue
1. Dengu mosquito can fly only upto 2-3 feet in height. So the lower half portion of legs is the most vulnerable part of the body for dengu.
2. Dengu mosquito bites only in day time.
3. Fever (of high magnitude with bodyache) comes generally after 6-8 days of mosquito bite. Platelates count test (platelates count decreases sharply and count of 50,000 or less is fatal) and some other dengu test are useful (dengu IGG and dengu IGM viruses).
4. One can find this mosquito in cooler's water container (please change the water daily) or other humid places (use some bacteria killer liquids or spray) in house.
Thanks for the very informative and useful thread Rajani.... :)

I think Chikungunya is also on its way...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think it's due to our callousness that some of the diseases like malaria and dengue which we so effectively eradicated decades before are back with a vengeance!
Thanks Sajeetharan,for the information about mosquitoes that cause Dengue.
Sajeetharan, Is it just called the dengue mosquito or does it have any specific name?
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