
I am pleased to touch this milestone as you all allowed me to do so.When it all started I never thought of achieving it.If the contents of any of my posts ever hurt anyone I am extremely sorry which never did with any intention.I extend my heart-felt thanks to all of you! Good Night!
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Many congratulations to you Chinmoy!!!!.I wish you all the best for your future endevours. :)
This is the spirit of a true Boddunanian!

Enlighten this charm!

Dedication with discipline!

Keep on rising…!

Keep on scaling…!

Hats off to you!

You are an achiever of boddunan all time!!

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congratulations Chinmoy. your hard work will always a inspiration to all new members...
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Vijay U
My heart-felt thanks to Nagalakshmi,Sajeetharan and Vijay for your very warm messages! Messages like these are the true rewards! Very nice of you,Sajeetharan!!
cheeta.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)
Thats Great Chinmoy.....

You deserve more!!! :)

All the bets.... :)

Keep Going!!!
laughsq-20100908-2.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Thanks a lot Deepti! I'd keep on going but not at a Cheetah's pace - would faint!!
:) :)

All the best Chinmoy.... Hope you can do it!!!! ;) ;) ;)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Congratulations Chinmoy.You are a sincere and dedicated member of boddunan.I hope one day you will reach the milestone of 10,000 posts.
congratulation chinmoy on completing 3000 posts....I hope you to reach the milestone of 10,000 posts....keep posting...keep it up...

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Congratulations Chinmoy.............................................
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