I was absent here for almost one month because of my exams..

Today i'm back and i saw many changes here..

Most amazing was the introduction of new daily contests .. it really rocks.. will try to be a part of it...

Another thing i noticed is that i'm seeing google ads back here...

revenue sharing and daily contest had increased the participation here...

about looks.. looks of articles changed a lot.. adding a option to read articles of the same author was a nice move... also the share it links are also cool looking...

Get hot offers& tricks for Indians..Hurry!!
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but the thing which i felt sad was as it is so late .. i cannot participate in revenue sharing of this month...

also my total ranking based on my points had also decreased ...

Anyway i'm active from today onwards...

Get hot offers& tricks for Indians..Hurry!!
You can try your chance in revenue sharing from next month onwards if it exists.Regarding daily contest also the same.

Visit my blogs:

Thanks Jobin for the pleasing words. We will add more options like most read articles, latest articles etc right below every article. Currently we are displaying articles from the author of the article which you are viewing and the related articles.

Points are adjusted based on the new points system. Please check Revenue Sharing Program topic.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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