Throughout my education I have come through many teachers who find it very nice and pleasing to their inner self to harras students. Some have physical methods like beating students , giving them harsh punishment. Some do it by insulting the students by saying something very insulting in front of the classmates or sometimes in front of the whole school. Some beat the student badly some ask the student to clean the toilets , some give very lengthy homework, some send the student back home, Some say so much insulting to the student if they don't pay the fees. Some teachers give so harsh punisment that the student is hospitalized , some just take fun but very few are very bad to such an extent that the student even commits suicied....

Very bad news are coming from all tghe corners of the country about sexal harrassment of student by male and female teachers , when the students come to their homes for private tuitions.....

Whats all happening
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Yes teachers are most often considered as gods in olden days but after seeing harassing cases i think no student will further consider them as gods.. It is high time they should know there responsibility and set a good example for futher generation or else do someother profession..just dont change the meaning of teachers..
i hate teachers who play favoritism card.i have seen and endured many such teachers who would give more marks to students
just because they are their favorite
Favoritism is different concept sajeetharan and it is quiet commo n anywhere eveen in your job...The presenst issue is teachers should not be so harsh and should be an idol instead of devil..

I think favoritism on another student is not harmful to you in any way but it can be helpful for you to do more and acheive more success once taken sportively.. :unsure:
Yes you are right rajani,

Very bad news are coming from all the corners of the country about sexual harassment of student by male and female teachers , when the students come to their homes for private tuitions
The education system ids very faulty. Like any system, education also needs reward and punishment both. Theoretically, any form of physical punishment including mental torture is forbidden.
However punishment can only be physical. There is no escape from corporal punishment in schools. But this must not be arbitrary, whimsical, too severe and out of sheer anger. I believe that corporal punishment is must for misconduct and not studying attentively and not doing home work. The students should know what is misconduct and what is punishment for an misconduct. Then the punishment must be as much as is warranted. It will be most appropriate to use cane for punishment. There should be prescribed number of cuts for misconduct. The cane may be used on palms or below the waist.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes gulshan,

Similarly in our country, a vast majority of the teachers are teachers not because they are trained to be teachers. This is also a great example for pay peanuts as salary and employ monkeys as labourers principle.
Loss of trust in the minds of parents. :(
38% of the students were harassed by teachers or school employees
sudha wrote:
[quote]Loss of trust in the minds of parents. :(
38% of the students were harassed by teachers or school employees[/quote]

The parents are primarily responsible for their children and they must visit the school and talk to children. It is not safe to trust anyone blindly. These days schools are not temple of learning but only commercial enterprise for profit.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Teachers are to be banned in physically harrasing students, students has to be treated with care.
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