Euthanasia as is popularly known has been recognised by the Federal Court of Justice ,the top German court has held that it is not a criminal offence to cut off the life support of a dying person provided he or she has given consent.
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I think this provision is already present in Indian law system.

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@Chinmoy, this is good news!! It will take off a lot of misery that a person suffering from terminal diseases has to face! It is more humane to see a person go rather than subject to a lot of indignity when he or she is in a state of complete immobility with insufferable pain!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This is welcome news. There are many cases where life is worse than death. When life becomes an unbearable burden, it is mercy to allow termination of life.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The concept of voluntary death has caught on the imagination of the people of our country and this development is likely intensify the debate further.But the only problem we face in our country is the prospect of wide misue and we have to guard against it.
I don't think it as a good law. Now more crimes will occur and most of them will turn as suicide.

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@Abid, what you are saying is a possibility therefore, while implementing this law, it should be made as airtight as possible. But it is the right of every human being to choose death voluntarily over indignity of dependence for everything upon others when critically ill.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The right to die is an exceptional right. This will not cover normal cases. The incurable patients suffering from acute pain where life is more dreadful than death would be covered by this right. So, there is not much scope for misuse. Exercise of such right will require medical opinion of attending doctor.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

No .It is not the decission of man when to die as he is not the decider when to birth.So this is not at all a good law.

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@Abid, it is if that person is severely ill and is no better than a vegetable with brains, and suffering miserably. In such condition it is morally and ethically right for the person to end his life peacefully!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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