God created us or We created God which one is true as per your views and why?

Santosh Kumar Singh



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Man created the notion or concept of God. There was curiosity about origin of world/ universe and its functioning. This gave rise to the concept of God. Thus, apparently, we created God.

It is stated in most religions that soul never dies and was never born. This always existed. Accordingly, soul was not created. Similarly, matter i.e. physical resources are not created. These have only been changing form- either shape or from solid to liquid or gas etc. Thus matter always existed and not created. o Arya Samaj believes in Treta Vaad, which holds that nature and sould are independent of God and always existed. Thus soul and nature were not created. Thus, it is obvious that that there is no creation. The concept of Creator of God is thus superfluous.
Accordingly, we may conclude that God does not exist and He created nothing. This is only a concept made by mankind.
We may also liken the concept of God to mathematical concepts of zero, point and line. These also do not exist but help in mathematical computations and astronomy. Possibly,concept of God though unreal, may be helpful to philosophers.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think we are live and soul exist then God is also exist so we can not avoid that there is power behind our life.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Definitely some power created human beings,animals,trees etc.These are not originated on their own. The different names to Gods are given by us.

I think we do not have exact meaning of God so confused with God terms. We need to discuss about God in deep.

Santosh Kumar Singh



This question is unanswer like....who came first egg or hen
This question is not really unanswerable!! It all depends upon one's faith and belief!!

To all the atheists, I want to say one thing is that there is a Supreme Power beyond all logical reasonings and scientific explanations!! It is only the matter what one wants to choose to believe in!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

We are the ones who created the God, Ofcourse there is an entity above us all, but God was created by us.
[hide]We are the ones who created the God, Ofcourse there is an entity above us all, but God was created by us.[/hide]

what do you mean by there is an entity above us! how do you call?
if you say we created god. Illustrate how !
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