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Family is basic social unit. Weakening of this vital unit weakens the whole social structure. so, divorce is very unpleasant and must be very rare. It is okay to think well before marriage. Once the marriage has been solemnized, the couple must maintain their relations. After having kids, divorce should not come even in dream. Too much of individualism and lack of social responsibility are cause of divorce. The first step should be to remove these causes. During course of education itself, it should be stressed that the couple forming family are an important unit of society and there marriage is not just their individual affair. Law also needs be strict. Divorce may be permitted liberally as long as couple are childless. After acquiring parenthood, the couple must not divorce. The court should compel the divorcing couple to pay adequate compensation for upbringing of child to any person or institution in whose custody the child is given.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I completely agree with Gulshan on whatever he has expresssed on the subject of divorce.This marital tragedy has a siginificant bearing on social harmony and happiness.While it is true that there are situations in which marriages can not be saved and a divorce is the logical outcome.In most cases lack of understanding and individual ego ruin conjugal relationships which is most unfortunate.
Views expressed by Gulshan are very elaborate and correct! the major cause of divorces is actually because of too much indivdualism and ego problems! According to a recent report, there are aproximately 2000 cases being filed per month in Pune. Also the fact that of these, about 75% of the marriages are yet in their first or second year and they mainly are among couples working in IT sector! :(
Long working hours, work-related stress, probably complexes relating to monetary compensation etc. are the major causes! :dry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Going deep into causes of the climbing rate in divorce one has to keep in mind that our society is in a transition phase of cultural change.According to a noted psychologist divorce takes place because of rising violence,cruelty,character assassination,alcoholism,problems of adjustment especially in a joint family,growing individualism of the wrong kind,extamarital affairs and the undesirable impact of the outside world in terms of falling values and lack of role models.
when marriage being an issue it would be at times trying any occult practices 4 its saviour, can be a little risky. the partner may assume, due to misunderstanding the procedure adapted by the partner inorder to save relationship, can be to damage him, you have to be cautious.
inorder to save marriage, clearing of misunderstanding is of prime importance.
the couple needs to speak to each other without arguing, friends being around.
I think many a marital discord,strife and separation can be avoided if the persons concerned imbibe the truth contained in this,"Marriage resembles a pair of shears,so joined that it can not be separated,Often moving in opposite directions,yet always punishing by cutting anyone who comes between them."
Reducing Ego and Increasing Understanding between two..can prevent divorce..
if one is angry over other than dont argue with him/her.let the other settle down is temper and than try to clearify the problem
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