What do you think about persons who contributed for freedom of India Like Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Chandrashekhar Azad, Mahatama Gandhi etc.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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They are the real heroes and need to be remembered for their sacrifice.

Imagine living in india, if it is still led by the British!
Definitely we will have to salute for the sacrifices done by the freedom fighters. But now we are in the middle of greedy politicians, local terrorist groups in many states attacking our own people etc.

Who will get freedom for us from these people?It is a big question mark.

Because of their innumberable sacrifices we are enjoying the fruits of freedom today.My profound respects for them would be there always.
There is no doubt that all the leaders mentioned by Santosh Kumar singh contributed to the freedom movement. Mahatma Gandhi contributed most as the masses were behind him and he was most effective. Bhagat singh, sukhdev, Chandra shekhar Azad made supreme sacrifice but they had not so much participation of people as their method was individual action and not mass participation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I really like contribution of Sahid Bagat Singh He done well and He deserve to best contributor for freedom of India.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Bhagat Singh made supreme sacrifice. His name is immortal in history of freedom movement.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We can get information for Bhagat singh in this link
Bhagat Singh

Santosh Kumar Singh



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