Which is more beautiful name of our country? its India or Bharat or Hindustan.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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I think the name that feels good to ear is "Hindusthan".But it should not be taken as the land of Hindus.

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I Think Most pf the people say India si India is more popular name.

Santosh Kumar Singh



@Abid you are right, Hindustan does feel good to ears, but in my opinion Bharat is more beautiful because it reflects the history of our country which dates back to the days when King Bharat ruled over. I don't remember much of it but he belonged to the Raghvanshi dynasty, descendents of God Rama and was so brave that as a child he used to count the number teeth in a lion's mouth!

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- W. C. Fields :)

Yes. My vote is also for Bharat. When we say Bharat, we feel more closer than the word India.

If I say India is the best then what would you say for Bharat.....

Santosh Kumar Singh



I would opt for India as opting for 'Hindusthan' in the present atmosphere would be inviting trouble.
I dont think Bharath represent the eastern and southern parts of our country. India is the best option. Let us be proud that we are Indians
By the name 'India' we are widely known both nationally and internationally.
i think Bharat and India are most beautiful names.....
"India' sounds sweeter. The Indian constitution recognizes 'India' as well as 'Bharat'. 'Hindustan' is neither recognized not a sweet sounding name.
India is also more appropriate for historic reasons. India derives er name from 'Indus valley civilization. India is derived from 'Indus'.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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