I had a tooth pulled it was to decayed to save and I had an infecion. Two weeks later the knot has returned and the roof of my mouth is extremely swollen, so much so that can not close my mouth. I have taken antibotics three different kinds. Nothing is working so should I go ahead and see a specialist, and what could be causing this and it is not from eating something too hot. Please help.

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I strongly suggest you to go to a specialist as he knows better than anyone. There could be many things that cause swelling like infection, virus or problem with teeth.

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hi this is venki from andhra pradesh , and i am completing in diploma in pharmacy and i am doing pharmacist job , you take zenflox-oz in three days , two tablets for day. this medicine is useful to you

Thank your for advice! Only i take tables morning or evening after finish food!
i suggest you go to dental specialist if this infection becomes more it will be very painful and it will cause some other problem so remove the infected teeth as soon as possible and dont eat hard things always rinse your mouth after eating.
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