I could not see the below members in forums nowadays.

Harish Jharia
Harish Suthar
Raaghavan krishnamoorthy

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Harish Jharia is seen occassionally but I dont know.

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Yes...but have absolutely no idea.....

Hope moderators send some personal mail to bring valuable members back....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I am also noticing that these members are absent this time.Some other member are also absent who are

Lohit Seth
Atul Balpatre

Santosh Kumar Singh



Harish jharia is less active but he participated recently in discussions. Raghavan krishnamoorthy had last month informed in the forum that he would not be available forsometime. but he also appears occasionally. swetha is absenting since long. Harish suthar and anusha m. are also absent since a few months. they had participated well.

We have no way to find out whereabouts of our members. All are free to participate or not at their freewill. but I feel that if some active member intends not to participate for about a month,he should write in these columns.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think some new members come some old gone its rule of world. So welcome to new this time.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Santosh Kumar singh- Your approach is correct.We must welcome the new. All members are free to participate at their will. We can do nothing if some absent and even do not inform. i wish however that thy are successful wherever they are.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I quite agree with Santosh Kumar Singh that all our members are mature people and why they have chosen to absent themselves it is difficult to guess and such an excercise may be futile too.Members may come and members may go but boddunan would be right at it place!!
At least Me and Ceem is present than know problem we will handle the work with other members.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Hello everyone.. i am not absent.. i want to come again on boddunan.. but my shedule is getting too busy.. As soon as i will get time i will back.. please all friends you must continue this boddunan.. i will back sure..
Concentrate on our own work then we can achieve a lot istead of looking others we want to make this site more popular so hard work is essential . Friends try it we can make it together

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