If you do not have regular job then you can earn maximum money in a day here. If you work full time on boddunan
then post

5 big article daily. make target to earn Rs 50 Per article

try to get one prize daily=Rs 25
invite 20 Friends daily if one join then average earning in a month 500 Rs .

post at least one review in a day. Rs. 30
post one ppt daily Rs 10

So Total 250+25+30+10=Rs 315

In a month 315*30=9450/- + 550 Revenue sharing=10000

So its your salary dear friends.You have good job. who are telling you do not have job.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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It makes me really happy to see the figures. But it is very very difficult for anybody to achieve it even if they spend more than 8 hours per day on boddunan. For eg. article writing - it is difficult to write even 2 big articles on a day, then there is no chance for 5.

If you do full time work then there is possible to write 5 article in a day. just try it. but with job its impossible.

Santosh Kumar Singh



What a calculation! :) .I would like to add one more.If a user is so active, he/she may become the editor.So income again increased.But as Meean said, this is theoretically possible but practically almost impossible.

Anyways.One karma for the math. :)
Thank you very much MC. But I am calculating this thing for fresher those who have full time for boddunan. there this calculation is possible for them.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Ha ha haa...

Calculation is simple.Making it practice is incredible.But really it will motivate new comers.

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Please do not laugh Abid actually you are laughing for yourself that you can not write 5 big articles in a day. This will motivate to new comers and old comers also.

Santosh Kumar Singh



That sounds too good to be true!!I must put in a word of appreciation.You have done magic with figures!
If we are to encourage the new comers into earning more,selling such fanciful ideas would hardly elicit any serious response.
Writing five good articles and participating in all activities need good grasp on language, good typing speed and general interest in literary work. Actual income will depend on an individual's performance. But, I feel that Santosh Kumar's advice is worth giving try by the unemployed. They will improve their writing skill and also make good income. Even if they do not mak4e good income initially, they will earn more in subsequent months. Also, possible editor job may be bagged by them. I welcome Santosh Kumar Singh's advice.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks Gulsan At least your are right member that got my feeling easily.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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