While most of us believe in the Supreme existence of God and follow our own religious practices,there is a certain section of our society who are bigots.Their minds have no space for the the thoughts of other religions.In fact they preach hatred and discord amidst us.What are your thoughts?
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Bigotry and fanaticism is indeed a threat to our existence.Why is that these people are so intolerant?.Even educated people also fall in this category.
In my opinion, the basic problem here is the word belief.One believe in something and he hold that it is the only truth.They say it as the only path to God.Now my question is..If you say one path is true,why can't there be another path to reach the same goal,which is equally true?
Every religion is equally true.We must accept it or at least tolerate.
I fully support you chinmoy. The bigots are anti human and agents of hatred and division. Humanity needs free flow of thoughts, expression and open mind.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

@MC and Gulshan,

It is very good to know your well-reasoned and enlightening views on the subject.If we examine the role and activities of these self-proclaimed agents of God down the ages who are known as bigots, one thing becomes crystal clear that they are a drag on the societal progress and development.We simply do not need them,I wonder if they have any use for God!!!
Such people have no respect for other religions. But by not respecting other religions, they simply don't realize that they are not doing justice to their owbn religion; because NOT ONE religion in world teaches its followers to hate people belonging to other religious faiths. Their religious bigotry and fanaticism is a result of mainly their own selfish needs and unfortunately as Indians even though we claim democracy, it is our own leaders who fuel these issues. A true follower of any religion should actually be more tolerant towards other faiths but the situation nowadays is exactly becoming more opposite irrespective of the fact that we are in the 21st century now! Sad but true state of affairs.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

You have made a good point.These people have selfish needs and they have nothing to do with true concept of religion.

In other point of view, when we observe ,we understand that these people lack free thinking.In a way they are blind.They grow up becoming exposed to extreme concepts of bigotry and it make deep roots in the young mind which stays forever.

Another excellent post has come in the form of your reply.I find it very thought-provoking and elegantly expressed.
In fact no religion teach to kill others.But man who describe its teachings had distorted it according to his will and way.Really it is tragic.

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Yes Abid,you are absolutely correct.All the religions have the central or core message of love,peace and universal brotherhood.Unfortunately some perverted elements of every religion try their worst to give it a bad name.
@MC, you are right! These people ARE blind since they are exposed to only one aspect of their religions, case in point: the issue of terrorism that has grasped the world over!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you Chinmoy!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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