By observing the present day trends in economic growth and other factors, do you think 21st century will be an Asian Century?.
Asian century means that 21st century will be dominated by Asian politics and culture,just as 20th century is called American century and 19th century called British century
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I do not think the economic growth alone is relevant and today I have come across a very shameful piece of report which shows India's literacy at 66% just above Pakistan's 49%.We have to walk several thousand miles to find our place under the sun!
comparative to the other countries we are still laid back in progress!!!!!!
The overall poverty and literacy level in India is low. But even then there is a tiny percentage of elite Indians who have disproportionate property and very high education. These Indians are playing more prominent role in India and in world affairs.
However, there is no use of any achievement as long as masses are illiterate and impoverished. We must change priorities and work for the common good of people in stead of working for elite.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan is right.There are two class of people.The masses are sill illiterate and impoverished.Total development is possible when their life condition improve.
But still, now it is 2010 only.With India and China advancing in every field, there is every chance that Asia will dominate the world in this century itself. :woohoo: :)
We have to pull our socks on several fronts to be counted amongst the comity of nations.Our record on social justice,even distribution of income as Gulshan has mentioned very rightly,must improve.There are only oases of affluence in this vast desert of poverty,illiteracy etc.
Rather than an Asian century will it be an Indian Century.The advancement pace of our country is so now.

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With China playing a major role, it can't be an Indian century i think.An Asian century is the apt word.
My take on this issue is that India's role would be as vitalas that of China.We have a lot of pluses and by highlighting the minuses I am not at all despondent about the future of my country.I have just attempted to bring into focus some of the practical difficulties which are lying on our way and it is very much possible to overcome them.
MC wrote:
[quote]With China playing a major role, it can't be an Indian century i think.An Asian century is the apt word.[/quote]

But be optimistic MC

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I think when MC floated this topic he did so out of a sense of optimism which I also subscribe to!
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