Various kinds of pollution that affect the oceans, spills from oil tankers rank as one of the most challenging to clean up. There is no one method for handling all situations, but there are general techniques that apply to many kinds of spills.

Aerial reconnaissance often is necessary to determine the extent of an oil spill, whether it occurs in the open ocean or near the coast. The aerial survey provides information about the nature of the spill and sites along the coast in immediate danger.

To directly deal with the spill, floating barriers called booms are placed around the spill to contain it. These allow skimmers, which can be boats, vacuum machines, or oil-absorbent ropes, to collect the oil into containers. Chemical dispersants also may be applied to break down the oil and render it less harmful. In some situations, it may be best for the fresh spill to be ignited, although burning poses its own hazards and creates pollution.

If the oil reaches the shore, other cleaning methods are deployed. These include pressurized water hoses and vacuum trucks, as well as the dispersal of absorbent materials. At times the sand is removed to another site, cleaned, and returned to the beach.

Rescue efforts on behalf of oil-coated sea and shore birds and mammals requires carefully washing them with a mild detergent, such as dish washing liquid. This painstaking Jo involves much human effort, often by dedicated volunteers, and offers no guarantee for the survival of the affected animals.

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It was good to see the post on cleaning the oil spills. I would like to list few ways to clean up an oil spill.

The first is to use absorbent material that can absorb the oil and then be disposed of safely. This can be something like cardboard, paper towels, or even dryer lint.

The second option is to put out absorbent material in the area where the oil spilled and wait for it to soak up as much of the oil as possible before disposing of it. Nowadays granular oil absorbents material are available that are in powder form and can be poured on to the oil spill (if in small quantity).This can be a long process, so if you need to do this quickly, it might be best to call your local emergency services agency for help.

A third option is to use a boat or other vessel that has been specifically designed for cleaning up oil spills. These vessels have deep wells in them and often come with booms on them that allow them to collect all kinds of debris from an oil spill until they can be disposed of properly. Make sure you follow all safety instructions when using any type of watercraft for this purpose!

You can explore more oil absorbents here:

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