Turmeric, also known as Queen of spices. In Hindi, it is known as Haldi

Turmeric contains antioxidant properties among many other properties. Additionally Turmeric contains healthy nutrients. Turmeric.

It has many health benefits. It cures Cancer, relieves Arthritis, controls Diabetes.

For other Benefits


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Turmeric has  antiseptic qualities , so it is used in skin care since it cures pimples and skin rashes and also in cooking . Turmeric added to hot milk is good for sore throat and cough .Turmeric leaves have a very nice aroma and flavor and in our region they are used  to make a sweet and most households grow turmeric plant in their garden.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Turmeric a simple  item that one can get in every household.Besides its use in different preparations, Turmeric has a plethora of health benefits. It cures Cancer and arthritis

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