If someone were to ask us Are you a good person, it is not easy to respond to that outright...but personally we can evaluat ourselves by taking the test given in the link posted below...


Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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I never answer to question about myself. In fact, nobody is good or bad as such. It is just that some like you, some don't.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I never answer to question about myself. In fact, nobody is good or bad as such. It is just that some like you, some don't.

Of course , no one is 100% good or bad , only the degree varies....However, we do have some societal norms on what is broadly considered good and bad and we also have been conditioned to accept them...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Actually the test will not give appropriate results. any option will make you good for certain individual or organization and bad for others. The same act or attitude will endear you to some but others may find this bad. Hence the best is to do what you consider best not bothering about others' reactions.

This remind me of a story. A father and son were going with a donkey. Some saw them and remarked- How silly, they do not know how to use the animal for travel. Hearing this, both rode the donkey. A few steps ahead, some women remarked- How cruel, Two donkeys are sitting on a donkey. Then father got down leaving son on the donkey back. Then some boys remarked- See. The uncivilized boy. He is comfortably riding whereas old father is on foot. Then son got down and father rode. Some men witnessed and remarked- How senseless this stupid man: The poor weak boy is walking and this man rides.
Thus whatever you do, you cannot be good to all. Better- be good to your own conscience.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: usha manohar, Ashii
I have taken the test, I found I'm nether good or bad. Equally balanced . I'm neither cynosure of all eyes nor an eye sore to the society.
Actually the test will not give appropriate results. any option will make you good for certain individual or organization and bad for others. The same act or attitude will endear you to some but others may find this bad. Hence the best is to do what you consider best not bothering about others' reactions.

This remind me of a story. A father and son were going with a donkey. Some saw them and remarked- How silly, they do not know how to use the animal for travel. Hearing this, both rode the donkey. A few steps ahead, some women remarked- How cruel, Two donkeys are sitting on a donkey. Then father got down leaving son on the donkey back. Then some boys remarked- See. The uncivilized boy. He is comfortably riding whereas old father is on foot. Then son got down and father rode. Some men witnessed and remarked- How senseless this stupid man: The poor weak boy is walking and this man rides.
Thus whatever you do, you cannot be good to all. Better- be good to your own conscience.

Very true ! afterall our being good and bad is largely based on peoples opinion of us. When we do good we feel nice and warm about it and when we do something that is against our conscience it is bound to prick us all the time until we make amends for it...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I never answer to question about myself. In fact, nobody is good or bad as such. It is just that some like you, some don't.

Right sir every person have some good thing and bad thing as well.
I have taken the test, I found I'm nether good or bad. Equally balanced . I'm neither cynosure of all eyes nor an eye sore to the society.

I guess most of us would come under that category, as long as we are able to distinguish between right and wrong , there is no problem and what others categorise us does not really matter..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I read the test and could have scored better but I would prefer to be myself rather than ticking the ones which will prove me the best person who took the test. I am what I am.

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I read the test and could have scored better but I would prefer to be myself rather than ticking the ones which will prove me the best person who took the test. I am what I am.

It shows you are sincere and true to yourself. I'm sure it's a plus point for you in these days of hypocrisy and false masks.
Many a times these tests produce some good results as a matter of fact an indication of yours personality, though no test is full proof and absolute correct.


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