Is Bull fight needed.
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Is fully fight needed.

Its another inhuman sport, which was banned in many countries.

Its another inhuman sport, which was banned in many countries.

But it is one of the famous sport in Tamil Nadu which goes by the name Jallikattu
This is very risky game I have seen it on the TV. I think it should be banned. :evil:

Its another inhuman sport, which was banned in many countries.

But it is one of the famous sport in Tamil Nadu which goes by the name Jallikattu

Jallikattu is not bull fight. Its bull chasing and provoking. And Jallikattu is also banned in AP.
All games and activities that cause cruelty to animals, including bull fight should be ended.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

All games and activities that cause cruelty to animals, uncluding bull fight should be ended.[/quot

Such games reflect the sadistic attitude of the humans, which are undesirable.
No doubt bull fight is a cruel game what about wrestling, boxing,sumo fighting and many other games which are equally cruel and cause grievous injuries and even death at times....

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

No doubt bull fight is a cruel game what about wrestling, boxing,sumo fighting and many other games which are equally cruel and cause grievous injuries and even death at times....

All these events should be banned. If at all sport is injurious to human beings, it can never be called a sport or a game. So I call it a event
Thank you said by: usha manohar
No doubt bull fight is a cruel game what about wrestling, boxing,sumo fighting and many other games which are equally cruel and cause grievous injuries and even death at times....

And in remote villages you will see cock fights and Ram fights. They are equally sadistic. While they are dying, we humans enjoy.
At one time, they were thinking of abolishing Boxing. Indian wrestling is ok But not the freestyle wrestling.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
All games and activities that cause cruelty to animals, including bull fight should be ended.

Actually such fights are not only cruelty to animals but also to the humans. Many people die or seriously get injured in the fights. :(
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