Life is complicated

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Life is definitely complicated more we try to extract answers more deeper we get inside the things and reach to a situation where we don't get the answers and that causes a problem. :laugh:
Thank you said by: Mary
It is true and we can see various facts in various moment. We think one type in childhood and happens other. I think this happens to all.
Thank you said by: Mary
If I don't try to find answers, what else i'm supposed to do?
Life is complicated

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We could at least try to find some answers instead of accepting things at the face value....Doesn't matter if it gets complicated at times !!!

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Mary
Life is complicated no doubt. But the quote stresses more the dynamic nature of problems on Earth. Answers are not simple and also not same for everyone. These differ from man to man, place to place and time to time.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Mary
Yes, Life is complicated little bit.

Be positive in life and makes it simple.

Be positive
Thank you said by: Mary
Life is complicated , yes ...because we don't know what is gonna happen the next second (considering the past events of WTC 9/11 strike , recent close shave of the meteorite with earth , nuclear wars etc etc ) , many a times we don't know where our future be (career wise, relationship wise etc.) and probably many other complications.

But I believe we should be patient, positive about life , live life to our full potential , read good and motivating books and tackle life as it comes like a soldier or rather like a "neutral" person...... here Neutral I mean we must not get overwhelmed/over excited by life's events as each event in life has different impact on different people and most of the time it depends on their environment and nurturing than mere fate.
Life is complicated

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Life is full of questions and answers. If we get answer that question is solved.

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Thank you said by: Mary
The more you analyse the very purpose of our existence the more muddled we tend to get.I sometimes wonder whether any of the things that we take so seriously mean anything at all...I guess that's what the quote meant, not to go into deep analysis but instead accept life as it comes ....In Bhagavadgita Krishna tells Arjuna that having been born here we must do what we have to do without bothering about the consequences....

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Mary
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