How budget affects housewives and what they expect. Just see:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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How budget affects housewives and what they expect. Just see:

A homemaker's expectations always revolve around, " Reduction of costs of day to day commodities. FM may do something about this because its a "Populist Budget."
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
When the reduction is taken place in all items there will be more happy to the people. This is the only thing expected in budget.

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I think all the cost of daily needs have increased a lot so the budget should bring some changes in these prices and every housewife will expect this only from the budget.
What else they can expect? :blink:

Prices of vegetables,LPG,consumable items which have increased so much in the recent years need to be bring down or else they will go out of reach of common people.

Yes LPg is main but if their husbands say about some savings then they will be more happy.
A housewife had to run the whole family and if in the budget any of the house hold goods increased then the whole budget of the family will disturbed.And that only a housewife had to manage.

Sharmistha Banerjee
How budget affects housewives and what they expect. Just see:

No doubt that a housewife would expect a drastic reduction in prices all round which is not possible and we all know that.....As far as I am concerned, if they dont up the taxes on daily consumer goods ( FMCG) that is good enough !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Housewife always wants vegetables, grains, shelter, Education at lower price.

Be positive
After seeing this I asked my wife and she answered about reduce in medicine cost.
As an housewife I am expecting much from this budget.I want that the price of daily goods use at home should decrease.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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