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3G technology enables you not only to talk but also see image of the person you are talking to. This enables you to display any .letter, document to the party at the other end of phone instantly. 3G technology enables you to work faster on internet.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now 4G also came with more fast internet service, but now it is some costly.I am using 3g now and satisfied.
As much we are making the speed of the connection faster we are reaching towards the better services. As 3G defines this is 3rd generation technology, which is certainly faster than 2G and now we are already moving into 4G segment.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Now 4G also came with more fast internet service, but now it is some costly.I am using 3g now and satisfied.

I am using Tikona internet service. They claim this is 4G technology.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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