A soldier's wife, whoes husband died in Indo-Pak war 1971, was compensated by giving her 5 acres of land. Now the land has been proved to be disputed. Can government do such a great mistake? Unbelievable, but it is a fact. Here is the link:-

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Well, it has been proved that the government is only making mistakes so I am not really surprised to read this. But I still feel very sad and sorry for the poor woman who is now be embroiled in a legal battle for no fault of hers. Is Rahul Gandhi going to help her get land elsewhere now? :blink:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The Ministry of Defence pays life long family pension at enhanced rate to widow of a soldier killed in action along with death gratuity and other benefits like army group insurance, deposit linked insurance. These benefits suffice for maintenance of deceased soldier's family and are adequate and statutory compensation. There is no doubt that these would have been paid and family pension is being paid.

But some state governments give extra benefits for cheap publicity. Land is also like that. It is well known that state government politicians and employees are mostly publicity hungry, corrupt and worthless. .

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

And this is not an old story. This is habiit of corrupt indian officials every where and even a movie named dhoop was made on this which was based on the life of capt anuj nayyar who was killed in kargil war and was allocated a petrol pump on his name and then how their families faced problems for getting what they deserve is really sad. you cna read about it here also

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Well, it has been proved that the government is only making mistakes so I am not really surprised to read this. But I still feel very sad and sorry for the poor woman who is now be embroiled in a legal battle for no fault of hers. Is Rahul Gandhi going to help her get land elsewhere now? :blink:

I doubt if he can do that unless he is willing to give some of his own land.This happened in Bihar , so what can he do since their party is not in power there..Even otherwise I doubt if anything would come out of it except verbal assurance ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

All govt. employees family are provided with the pension and if any wives husband dies govt give full support to their wife providing some huge amount.But it can take long time often I had seen so.One of my relatives husband died and govt give their family the amount after 5 years.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Many families of deceased soldiers are being cheated by the Government. They don't get the exact sanctioned amount. Is it not injustice?
This is very unfortunate. At least we should give proper respect to those who sacrifice their life for our country. Govt should take immediate action to solve this .

Government is doing mistake. Govt should return her 5 acres of land and should take action for it :)

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What is the last report Of it. That woman should go to court again ,she may get a good compensation from Govt for unnecessary harassment.

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