I am really surprised that i have not received by first cheque from Boddunan yet which was processed on 1st June. :blink: Now its been 15th July i am still waiting for it. :( I want to know is it normal?Does it take so much time?. :blink: I PMed it to admin also 3~4 days back but there is no response after saying that he is investigating it.Please suggest what to do?. :blink:
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Just ask Sasi and Sarala. Their cheques are also issued last month.

Meera sandhu
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
I am really surprised that i have not received by first cheque from Boddunan yet which was processed on 1st June. :blink: Now its been 15th July i am still waiting for it. :( I want to know is it normal?Does it take so much time?. :blink: I PMed it to admin also 3~4 days back but there is no response after saying that he is investigating it.Please suggest what to do?. :blink:

There is obviously delay. But you are told that this is being investigated. So, there is response. You need wait for investigation. If cheque is not yet issuedm this will be issued. If lost, a duplicate will be sent to you. This has happened to me also. But matter was resolved.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
Just ask Sasi and Sarala. Their cheques are also issued last month.

I think one more member who got their cheque on 6th june...He can also answer but not online.............
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
Sanjeev, don't worry, even though you may receive the cheque late, you will still get it, like Gulshan said if the reason is lost cheque, another one will be sent, but your payment is safe!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
Hi SJ..

You still didn't get it.. !! As other members have mentioned delay may occur.. or even cheque lost or something you will get new one.. so no worries.

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
Hi SJ..

You still didn't get it.. !! As other members have mentioned delay may occur.. or even cheque lost or something you will get new one.. so no worries.

Hope so i will get it soon. :)
Just update here, when you get your cheque... Hope it will reach to you soon.

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
Don't worry some times it takes a long time. for me it took one month.

But its more than one and a half month. :evil: Hope i will get it soon now.

Sanjeev, have you asked them???

Meera sandhu
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