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Spending about 3 months along with you, it’s time for me to part from Boddunan. As a beautiful dusk, though a small time, yet so beautiful, I am also setting, giving you the best I can give you. Due to some personal reasons and assignments I am taking a leave from Boddunan, without even knowing we may or may not meet in future. Till then, good bye all.

Meera sandhu
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Oh Sandhya what happened suddenly?

recently saw your articles pictures removed from these?What is the reason for it?
Very sad at this turn of events! I always feel life is all about reconciling ourselves in all situations. I won't go deep into what has exactly prompted you to take this unfortunate decision but I hope that it has not been taken coming under the influence of sudden burst of emotion! If your decision is conscious and conscientious I would only say that I respect your decision and extend all my very best wishes in your future endeavors. Good-bye!
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Oh sandhya, I don't know whether your decision is correct or not. but I miss you dear.As you are leaving, I am not getting interest to work as you are the inspiration to me to work in boddunan. till now I work like this in boddunan. But you made me to work.Now you are leaving, this is really bad.But anyway all the best for your future. takecare.I cannot say you bye as i dont want to depart from you. so be in touch.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I am sue this is your way of making us APRIL FOOL. you shall be back in an hour laughing on us.

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I am sue this is your way of making us APRIL FOOL. you shall be back in an hour laughing on us.

Oh i forgot that today is April fool..hehehe... :woohoo:
Yes,its a APRIL FOOL statement,that Sandhya is departing.
Come BACK !!! :) :) :)

Want to make each day Accountable

No friends. cannt you see her message in the post. The post is completely serious. So how can you people think that she is fooling you and more over this thread is in announcement not in humor or jokes category.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I will also miss her as she has made this forum active and we have seen lot of her threads which are still active here. :)

BTW what is the reason that she has taken this decision?. :) :evil: :angry:
Yes Sarala. It's time for me to part Boddunan..
No personal decision only. :)

Meera sandhu
Yes Sarala. It's time for me to part Boddunan..
No personal decision only. :)

Really,this is very sad for us.
There was Ronak,when you were here in boddunan.

We all are not not feeling good.
Lets take you decision and ....really its a sad moment...i can't say much.

Want to make each day Accountable

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