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Common sense is very uncommon. Average Intelligence is same as common sense. Common sense is result of keen observation as against bookish knowledge.

Oh yes common sense is very uncommon these days and yes we can gain intelligence by books but cannot gain common sense through books. :laugh:

I agree this is common sense. But we can develop any thing in phases.

Phases? :ohmy:

I somewhere quoted an interesting definition given of common sense. A sense which is uncommon is called .....!
I somewhere quoted an interesting definition given of common sense. A sense which is uncommon is called .....!

Very nice comment. I have written in my post above that common sense is very uncommon.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Common sense is very uncommon. Average Intelligence is same as common sense. Common sense is result of keen observation as against bookish knowledge.

Yes, some what similar to practical knowledge. Isn't it?

common sense and practical knowledge differ. Practical knowledge relates to specific trade as carpenter, accountant etc. Theoretical and practical knowledge together complete study. Common sense is on the other hand ability to solve day to day issues without any specific knowledge.

In my sense , common sense means ability to behave as per situation

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What a paradox! We expect all the time from all of us to show something which is not so readily available by terming it as 'common'!!
In my opinion common sense are the things which we don't learn from the books but do it as per our reflexes. :) say. If someone sees a fire nearby then a person with a common sense will first make a call to fire station and then try to extinguish fire in the mean time than to watch it growing all accross. :laugh:
What a paradox! We expect all the time from all of us to show something which is not so readily available by terming it as 'common'!!

Yes, common sense can never be seen common :)

Meera sandhu
What a paradox! We expect all the time from all of us to show something which is not so readily available by terming it as 'common'!!

Yes, common sense can never be seen common :)

Then what should one do to to make it common. :woohoo:
What a paradox! We expect all the time from all of us to show something which is not so readily available by terming it as 'common'!!

Yes, common sense can never be seen common :)

Then what should one do to to make it common. :woohoo:

deeply observe all common things :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
What a paradox! We expect all the time from all of us to show something which is not so readily available by terming it as 'common'!!

Yes, common sense can never be seen common :)

Then what should one do to to make it common. :woohoo:

deeply observe all common things :woohoo:

Common things ? :woohoo: but what are these? :woohoo:
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