15 years ago
Hi friends, as we knew Boddunan has around 8500 page views per day and as a members of Boddunan, we can try to increase the page view. I guess this will be a great effort from us to Boddunan and at the same time we can also get benefited, because once we reach 100,000 page views per day, members can make use of Google ad sense also. So let us make use of every opportunity.
Well, we knew that Indian budget will be presented on 26th February 2010. We knew that this will be the hot keyword for at least 2 - 3 days in Google. So if we make the best use of it we can drive a very good traffic to Boddunan.
So I just felt, if we work as a team we can do it very effectively, rather than doing it as an individual.
I have got some key words and total number of link in Google corresponding to that keywords.
1) Live budget - 120,000,000 ( 12 crore)
2) Union budget - 45,200,000 (4 crores)
3) Indian budget live - 21,900,000 ( 2 crore)
You can also suggest a very good keyword, so that we can make use of that.We will decide the thread name by this evening.
So let us create a thread on 26th and update the budget news live in the thread. So we need to make sure that we follow the new and update it here the next moment. We must keep track of our National news, CNN IBN, NDTV and update the latest budget info in the thread that we are going to create tomorrow.
I knew this might be a tough task, but the team effort will helps us to do it easily.
At the same time we have couple of threads simultaneously,like Indian Budget Highlights, so that we have a thread which contains good info the Union budget. If we do it effectively we can bring Boddunan in the first page of Google for the good keyword.
So friends, if you are interested in contributing for this thread tomorrow, you can give a reply here.You can also give your views and feedback, so that we can change according to that.
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