What are the proofs required for register marriage.

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Register marriage is very required.People even perform register marriage even after the traditional marriage.

This sentence prove by one examples.
One of my friend's sister is got married.But unfortunaly that boy is effected by cancer.He cannot survive more than one year.He is working in India railway.After his death the space is empty and according to rule of Indian government this post it given to first its relative.As she is wife she apply for that post but they Demand the proof of marriage.So that they verify is it she wife or not.At that time he has no register marriage proof.she face a lots of difficulty to get that post.that's why register marriage proof is necessary.
It is necessary to submit an affidavit, proof of address, date of birth and photographs. For more details see the link:


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is now neccesery requirement.Many office are demanding this as relation proof. Govt. has a special department just go with proper documents and it takes few times also .

That nice link you provide here.It might help many of the people who were not aware about this.
Even I have to register for the marriage......but the catch is you have to register from the place where your marriage was conducted.it is better to contact a marriage registrar.....they would manage everything....

I had no problem with this proofs because my marriage is done in Arya samaj So I had proof from them.

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Good...then find a good marriage registrar........ :)

Oh sasi, Your marriage is performed by Arya Samaj, Thats great. But the arya samaj people wont accept if the couple come without date of birth certificate or tenth class certificate.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

you should have a residence proof, marriage photographs, even a marriage card if available and affidavit.
In village side many marriages are held without photograph specially among poor people so how they will register?

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