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I joined this Site For 6 days before and Complete My 5000 points and 400 Post.
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congrats alam, keep on working hard. Still lot more to acheive and lot more to know. :)

Thanks Vinodh for you inspiration.I continue to work just like it.I never think for fruit because i know the fruit of success got by those who done regular hard work.
Your score is increasing at a good rate.Its good that you are working hard.Keep on going.

Want to make each day Accountable

Congrates alam, keep working like this with this kind of spirit. All the best

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

You can get bonus point when your level changes to get bonus point you can ping Maveric Sir. but Congrats for your fast score.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I would not deny you my pleasure of extending congrats to you but I won't be very clean in my conscience if I don't add a few words on this occasion.It's all very good to run up quick score but in the process you have made yourself very controversial. Be fast but never be in a hurry!But I am hopeful that you would listen to what has been said by your critics,I can assure you that your critics have nothing but your well-being at heart. Wish you all the best!
Thanks Ceeem Sir I follow your Words and try to work in a proper manner.and thanks all of the members for inspiring me.
Congratulation on your success.You have achieved it very quickly and you are a hard worker also.
Have you noticed You have achieved 6 Karma points. It is also a record.
To Alam,
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5008]}
From Ram Prosad
What is use of Karma In My profile will you explain in Detail for my knowledge.
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