This site is full of things n i want 2 explore each one... Would u like 2 give me some tips?
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Hi Saikat Sarkar ,

A very warm welcome to Boddunan. Boddunan is such a wonderful site and really every member of Boddunan family is happy to have you in our family and for your information there are members who earn more than 1000 Rs per month.So this is a site which helps you in multiple ways, where you can gain knowledge and earn money. I am sure you will enjoy to be a part of our Boddunan family.

Let me just take this moment to explain some of the basic way to earn money in Boddunan.

1) Writing articles
2)Participating in contests like Creative poll of the week, Top commenter of the day(Rs. 25/day), Forum Supporter of the week, Top pool votes in a day(Rs. 25/day))
3) You can participate in Boddunan revenue sharing

Sir, I am sure that we can be eligible for Google adsesne very soon as soon as we cross 1 Lakh page impressions per day and we are eagerly looking for your active participation in Boddunan.

Members join me in welcoming Saikat Sarkar to Boddunan and please share your tips for Saikat Sarkar , so that it is helpful.

Have a nice day and Happy Earnings in Boddunan.

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
Raaghavan Krishnamurthy wrote:
[quote]Hi Saikat Sarkar ,

A very warm welcome to Boddunan. Boddunan is such a wonderful site and really every member of Boddunan family is happy to have you in our family and for your information there are members who earn more than 1000 Rs per month.So this is a site which helps you in multiple ways, where you can gain knowledge and earn money. I am sure you will enjoy to be a part of our Boddunan family.

Let me just take this moment to explain some of the basic way to earn money in Boddunan.

1) Writing articles
2)Participating in contests like Creative poll of the week, Top commenter of the day(Rs. 25/day), Forum Supporter of the week, Top pool votes in a day(Rs. 25/day))
3) You can participate in Boddunan revenue sharing

Sir, I am sure that we can be eligible for Google adsesne very soon as soon as we cross 1 Lakh page impressions per day and we are eagerly looking for your active participation in Boddunan.

Members join me in welcoming Saikat Sarkar to Boddunan and please share your tips for Saikat Sarkar , so that it is helpful.

Have a nice day and Happy Earnings in Boddunan.


Hey Siakat, A hearty welcome to Boddunan..the best paying Indian website and that too it increases your knowledge which is an added advantage...

Like Raaghavan Krishnamurthy said the above are the guide lines and options you have here...hope you will rock...

All the best :)

Your one click makes their day, please help them:
Hi siakat, a hearty welcome to boddunan and i also joined only last month 27th Jan and be an active member in forum and try to create polls and write articles on your own and never copy
Hai Saiket, :)

Welcome to :woohoo:

Yes,this site is "full of things".I am sure you have understood what our friends Raagavan,Anu and Devigan replied.

Basically our main entity is the "articles" which we believe is "Information is wealth".You can submit articles in Hindi,Telugu as well as in English

You are free to comment and post on them,as well as take part in the activites happening in "Forums",a platform for discussion,innovation and creation of the written talent we have in us.

You can even play games in the "Games " section when you need a break; I am sure you will be addicted to it!

You can go through a few guidelines before you begin.( just click on the link below)

Articles Review Guidelines

Earn points on commenting on articles

earn points for posting on forums

Boddunan Revenue Sharing Programm

If you are apprehensive about the genuineness about the payment,Kindly check below the testimonials of Boddunan members

[url=]My first patcheck[/url]

Got my first cheque

Payment proof from Boddunan

Yet another cheque recieved

If you have doubts in any matter whatsoever, concerning Boddunan or even clarifying personal doubts,you can feel free to ask. :)

Have fun!

Swetha Shenoy B)

Swetha Shenoy
Hi Saikat

Hearty welcome to boddunan.

This is a cool site for earning. Infact this is the best site to earn. You can earn easily through this site by simply working for 1 to 2 hours daily

Many members had already received the cheques. I am eagerly waiting for my cheque. Hope i will reach my minimum payout soon.

Cool information and hot earnings @

This is really a cool and reliable site for earning money with a lot of exciting features like games, polls and community.

You can first start with the FAQs, read the forums and then start submitting articles. If you ahve any query you can jsut contact the support team/post in forums..
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