This is not mine. I have just chanced upon it to share with you!

Many people think that luck is something that is purely random, unpredictable and difficult to control. That is because they do not know what luck really is. When you are able to know the true definition of luck, you can learn the whole science behind this phenomena and gain control over it.

Luck is another aspect of your reality and perhaps the most powerful and important one. The more conscious and aware you become of the elements of your reality, the more of a conscious and powerful creator you will be.

Your luck is your psychokinetic resonance with the environment you are in. Like everything else, luck is an energy. It is something that is quantifiable not in physical but in nonphysical ways. You can quantify it physically only in terms of its physical manifestations in your life. Luck is dependent on time, place and consciousness.

When you are lucky, you are in mental and emotional resonance with your surroundings.

When you are unlucky, it is the opposite. The level of resonance is the level of your luck.

Luck is also a feeling or emotion because emotion is energy in motion. When you are lucky, you are also feeling lucky. Your feeling is your vibration and therefore you are vibrating luck and feeing it. You feel and experience that everything is working for you when you are lucky.

You feel that everything is working against you when you aren't lucky. A state of vibrational harmony or disharmony with your environment is the whole explanation for this. You either feel that things are in a flow or things are disrupted.

Your energy level determines your luck vibration. At times when you are feeling low of energy, that is also when your luck vibration is at a low point. You are more likely to make careless mistakes, become more accident prone and flop up in some way. When you are feeling high of energy, that is also when your luck vibration is in a high state. You are sharper, clearer and more in the zone. You seem to be able to do amazing things in ways that baffle others to the point that makes you seem very skillful or lucky.

Actually luck and skill are one. The more in energetic resonance you are with your environment, the more your skill will work and the luckier you'll seem. You can always observe that when the best are in action, they always seem to have both their skill and the situation working for them. You can never separate luck from skill because after all, they are both part of the same thing called psychokinetic resonance with the environment. Your skill is your capability of handling the situation which depends on luck.

Once you know that luck is an energy, you can depend on it in that manner. You cannot depend on luck that is considered to be random chance occurrence. You can't depend on such things because they do not exist. A non existent thing cannot be depended upon. Everything that exists is a part of consciousness and can be controlled by consciousness. Therefore luck exist and is fully under your control. Knowing this, you never have to fear of bad luck because you can make all things work in your favor.

Since luck is dependent on energy, you have to pay attention to your level of energy in every moment and take charge of it. When you notice that your energy level is low, be more careful with the things you do especially if they are important. You may make mistakes that usually never happen, and wonder how could you be so unlucky or stupid.

You may realize that every time you have made careless or stupid mistakes that seem to be like bad luck, it was when your energy level was indeed at a low point.

Lack of focus and lack of being adequately present minded also creates bad luck. Do you notice that when you make stupid mistakes in situations, you felt that you were not ready? What do you mean by not being ready? You mean that you weren't focusing properly or fully enough, and you weren't being adequately present minded. The first step to controlling luck is to be present minded. If you want to be lucky, you must put your focus in the activity you are doing. Or else you'd create bad luck and mistakes.

Your level of focus and placing your mind in the present determines your psychokinetic resonance with the environment. Focusing is how you channel energy towards a particular time and place. When your focus is here, your energy is channeled here and you experience luck here. Where you focus is where you generate luck in. That is why the secret of success is focus. Successful people are lucky people because they have more focus than the unsuccessful and unlucky ones. Focus to be a lucky one.

Seek to maintain a high level of energy or vibration at all times. People who experience their luck going up and down throughout the day allow their energy to go up and down. People who experience their luck being consistently high all the time maintain their energy and vibration at a high level. At times when your energy is low, seek to increase it to a higher level again. Do not continue doing any work at a low level of energy because you will tend to make mistakes. Recharge your energy first, then work.

Be aware of negative thoughts and feelings that will bring your level of energy or vibration lower. Positive thoughts and feelings bring your energy level and vibrations higher. Therefore choose to think positive thoughts and feel positive emotions, and you will experience more luck and success in your life. You can also increase your luck when you are more intent of succeeding in a certain situation. Your energy of intent will energize you with the luck you need, and that is why willful intent bends the world to you.
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As Chinmoyji quoted,

"You feel and experience that everything is working for you when you are lucky."

After reading Alchemist, I came to know about this wonderful phenomenon and about Omens.

Yes, luck do exist, I believe.

Suppose, you want to meet some person for any of your achievement. If luck is in your side, you will surely meet him first time itself. But if your time has not yet come, even if you try 100 times, you will not be able to meet that person. Am I not right?

In Alchemist, it is told, when luck is in your favour, do all things you can do to achieve your aim. Everything will work for you.

Meera sandhu
But how do i come to know that luck is in my favour and i should do all right now-please explain.
But how do i come to know that luck is in my favour and i should do all right now-please explain.

I don't know anything about this :) But I think, when we see, we plan correct things and make correct decisions in our life, we are at our best time.
It is at our wrong time that we usually make wrong decisions. Even a simple decision can cost much more.

Otherwise go to a 'Jyotishi' with your horoscope. :)

Meera sandhu
Sandhya do you believe in jyotishi or horoscope?Many say that man can make his own luck.
Sandhya do you believe in jyotishi or horoscope?Many say that man can make his own luck.

I don't know. But one thing I believe, all things will work for us only if our time is good.

Meera sandhu
yes, if our time is good and with our hard work and lock should support us

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I an confused about definition and description of luck. Chinmoy has indeed worked very hard to write such a lengthy post. But I thank him for giving good suggestion of positive thinking. He concludes that positive thinks will bring more luck. Thus, luck depends on your attitude and not random chance or stars.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Whatever happen we can define things under good or bad luck as per result so its depends upon work result nothing else.

Santosh Kumar Singh


This is a tough question by Ram to know wheter luck is favour to us or not.

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This is a tough question by Ram to know wheter luck is favour to us or not.

Winds and wares are on side of the ablest navigator. We need to concentrate on aim or object and then devise means to achieve this and act accordingly. Skill, knowledge, proper planning, good team work, hard work and regularity lead to success. There is uncertainty as our success depends not only own efforts but also that of others and many unknown and uncertain coincidences. But we can control and direct only our own efforts. It makes no sense to consult astrologers and horoscopes. Uncertainty is there and horoscope and astrologers can not make this certain.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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