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There are many online,which tries to cheat us,so we should be away from such people.

Want to make each day Accountable

Very sad message from Sarala. I had a good belief on facebook and access it quite often.
when a husband/wife is more posessive on the other and when they come to know that either the wife/husband having lots of girl friends/boy friends...and have deep relations with them..then this causes fight between them at early stages often and later leads to divorce.
very shocking news posted by Sarala and so no need to run facebook.
If you use facebook just to play games and to keep updates,then its good,nothing could happen.

Want to make each day Accountable

everything has certain good things and certain bad things.
Setting proper privacy settings is a way to avoid excessive exposure. If you express every thing about yourselves, communicate to all friends and others through facebook and set your settings on privacy- FOR EVERYONE- you must thank yourself only for any ill consequences. To elucidate, you communicate to your current or old friend or lover on facbook, your wife as well others will also get the information from this site and disastrous consequences will follow.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

yes, we should not trust facebook and any internet social networking sites. We should believe them upto the limit.Over trusting definitely fails

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

just having relationship with our friends,family and known persons in facebook never affects anything.
just having relationship with our friends,family and known persons in facebook never affects anything.

If you disclose matters that better be kept secret and be only between select persons, trouble begins.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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