Post some important tips on aloevera.

It is better to have aloevera in the morning.

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Aloevera is good for skin and so this is used in toilet products. I use a shaving cream that has aloevera content. I also take aloevera capsule after food.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you gulshan ji for explaining this.Can you tell me taking the aloevera early in the morning what are the uses we have.

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Aloevera is an herbal medicine that is used for many purposes like skin care, medicine and preparing a large number of herbal products.

Be positive
Thank you vaishnavi for providing a valuable link about aloevera.

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sasikanth, you could easily have googled and got the details. I really cannot understand why there is a need to create a separate thread for such topics! :dry: :huh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

sorry kalyani i searched once as i had not got clear of my doubts so i posted on this.So i got clear answer from here.

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Aloevera can make your skin and hairs beautifull. It helps in aiding injury.
Using aloevera gel for head will remove the dandruff and it is good for skin.
Thank you for giving good health tips about aloevera.

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Thank you gulshan ji for explaining this.Can you tell me taking the aloevera early in the morning what are the uses we have.

Aloevera is useful at the time of shaving your beard. It smoothens the hair that is grown on chin.
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