Every day 600000 hacking attempts in facebook.

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Facebook is known more for hacking, attack on privacy, defamation, vulgarity etc. This site needs be abandon

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Facebook is known more for hacking, attack on privacy, defamation, vulgarity etc. This site needs be abandon

FB needs to be abondoned otherwise private and personal data of users on FB will be on stake.
One should avoid chatting. It is wastage of time and also invitation for hackers.
We should be careful about disclosing about any personal information to such sites like Facebook which is more prone to hacks. Besides, Facebook should take this matter seriously and should make its security more stringent to make it more difficult for hackers to hack their site....!
Did anyone observed back tracking technology which FB is using whenever you surf any other website?
I have a face book account but I do not use it in fear.

Did anyone observed back tracking technology which FB is using whenever you surf any other website?

can you explain it abhishek...what is this about?
yes, this is really bad on them who are hacking.
But we should blame people who are giving hacking information in websites that is how to hack facebook account and all if you search in google you will get the information and they are trying them and hacking

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

faceboo is of no more of worth now because of hacking .Either it should be avoided or some bandages should be applied on it to keep up its security.
Its better and safe for not using facebook account, if had also should not share any personal information.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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