TV viewing hurts your heart more than spending time on PC.
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there is much less violence and immoral elements on computer these days.TV viewing is becoming more and more vulgar....
Every thing is becoming danger for health.SO watching tv is having more disadavntages than pc.

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Every thing is becoming danger for health.SO watching tv is having more disadavntages than pc.

But i feel both are more dangerous if we spend more time on any of these.
Yes you are right both are more dangerous now a days.

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Mostly i don't see Tv >Is it your view or you are passing information
TV viewing hurts your heart more than spending time on PC.

Abhishek I heard that watching TV can harm our eye sight. I just want to know more, little bit in detail, regarding the above. If it is about horror movies or daily soaps, I think all of us should avoid it.
Mostly i don't see Tv >Is it your view or you are passing information

I have passed information in first post and expressed my view in later post.
TV viewing hurts your heart more than spending time on PC.

Abhishek I heard that watching TV can harm our eye sight. I just want to know more, little bit in detail, regarding the above. If it is about horror movies or daily soaps, I think all of us should avoid it.

Look, rays from TV does not depend on horror movies or any other show. Rays are rays.
I feel computer is much far better than TV. because In computer whatever we want we see but in TV whatever they show we watch

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Tv also give laugh,enjoy moment so everything become balance if we see all type of things.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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