For every minute the 22000 checks are depositing in to anothers account.

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its a genuine things.
Is it about each and every banks world wide? I don't believe this.
It is true this is a question asked in a contest.Every minute it is happening.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

This shows how prosperous our country is becoming as more and more transactions are taking place each and every day. It is a good sign of the country's financial position.
this is a good information may be helpful as GK and in any competative exams and contests

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

thanku for this information........but this fact cannot be used as a solid information as it can vary daily. You can however use this data in general contexts.
This is very interesting news.Thank you for such nice information.
This is really an amazing news. Processing 22000 cheques would be only in India. For worldwide, number would be more.
I think the number may vary from country to country as online banking is considered more easy task now-a-days.
So long as it is being deposited it is good but what about the number of cheques that are with drawn every minute? Do you have any stats for the same?
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