The coco-cola bottle from beginning.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 3942]}
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With time, everything in this world changes.

Thanks for sharing.
from 1992 the bottle has not changed.

:) :) :laugh: :)

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from 1992 the bottle has not changed.

:) :) :laugh: :)

Time comes when further change may not be that effective. Same happened with Coca Cola bottle..
Nice picture again from Sashikant. Thanks for the same and just go on delivering these pictures.
Each and everything needs development. Business needs both development and creativity which is also called innovation. This is nothing but good example of innovation for marketing products. Intead of glass, we are using plastic bottles which is easily carried to any distant place. Handling is easy and it includes less cost. The look of the bottle is also attractive.
With time every changes with the development and so i feel that for any problem time shows the best solution

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I hate this drink after know that it is injurious to health and stop taking it from them. Anyhow nice information shared Sasi. keep it up :)
I felt bad when i heard that alochol has been used in this drink so i stopped having it

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is much interesting sharing. Nice to see this bottles. This is first time i am seeing all bottles in line all together.

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These kind of cold drinks contains much amount of sugar which is very bad for health.
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