I am a new member of this site. Just wanted to know how many days it takes for an article to get reviewed?

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Hi Anshu,

For an article to get published here, it takes three to five days. Firstly, it is approved by editors and later on it is credited with cash and points by moderators or administrators of site...!
Eventhough it takes 3 to 4 days for approval you can submit new articles.

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It takes 3-4 days for an article to approved and after that you can get your cash credits for article.
It takes about 3 to 4 days approximately but the rewards are calculated by the moderator or by admin.

Earn money just for joining in this site.


In boddunan,if you post articles,then forget about the article review,just post and post article and believe in boddunan that your articles will be reviewed and your cash credits will automatically update.

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