Is there any work or job in this world which has no risk or less risk?
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i don't think there is any job without risk.
No risk, is impossible in any job and regarding less risk i think writing job is well suited. The only thing to concentrate here is not to do any mistakes in English, Plagarism is not tolerated and wrong information should not be provided. But in some situation an content can be risky too if not provided correctly.
Where there is competition,the risk would be there. Now a days we find risk everywhere. But,i believe that fields like Networking or in industries like Petroleum industry risk is less.
There we could get the job easily.

Want to make each day Accountable

Risk is everywhere and in every time ,in every moment.You should handle it properly to overcome and to get success.
Our life is only temporary then there may be happen anything in the next moment. so in every job there will be some risk

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Where there is competition,the risk would be there. Now a days we find risk everywhere. But,i believe that fields like Networking or in industries like Petroleum industry risk is less.
There we could get the job easily.


Here the question was asked which job is not risky. The aspect of getting job is not stated. So just think you have already selected a field and got job and how much risk is associated with that job. Do you think networking job do not have risks? why? I think a company network is dependent on you and if any problem come you have to troubleshoot it asap. :ohmy: it is full tension and risky job.
Where there is competition,the risk would be there. Now a days we find risk everywhere. But,i believe that fields like Networking or in industries like Petroleum industry risk is less.
There we could get the job easily.


Here the question was asked which job is not risky. The aspect of getting job is not stated. So just think you have already selected a field and got job and how much risk is associated with that job. Do you think networking job do not have risks? why? I think a company network is dependent on you and if any problem come you have to troubleshoot it asap. :ohmy: it is full tension and risky job.

I think the question was asked in terms of risk i.e Where we get the job very easily and its very correct that there are varous jobs in field of Networking. There are numerous jobs in Networking.I just wanted to say this much.

Want to make each day Accountable

There is no job where risk is not there. If we are doing job anywhere,we have to do our job correctly. If we missed it,there will be loss to the company.So,less and more risk is not there in this world.

Want to make each day Accountable

There is competition in every field you go, and risk have been always associated with every type of work. No work in this world is risk free.
The ministerial or office jobs are less risky. The jobs in armed forces, merchant navy are considered risky.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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