Friends boddunan has given us so many options to earn money and points in this site. I just want to know which category of work you enjoy most in this site.
1. Forums
2. Quiz
3. Crosswords
4. Articles
6. Polls
7. Revenue Sharing
9. Games
10. Magazines
11. Group joining, uploading photos and videos
12. Inviting friends, etc.
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I like forums and articles and polls.
I think this question has be asked before Devyani.. :)

Anyhow i too like forums section more and then Revenue sharing section, quiz section.
I like forum section very much. Here we could see many views of the members and learn various thing in quick moment of time. This section consist of lots of information,and that is lovable.

Want to make each day Accountable

I have no choice I do that when I like that.Forum section is very interesting.
I like revenue sharing and forums. I enjoy alot in working with these

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Revenue sharing section is also good one,we see lots of competition there.

Want to make each day Accountable

I enjoy most the Forum category. Next, articles. Followed by polls. Revenue sharing is not distinct but based on points earned in various activities.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I like Forums section. Followed by Revenue sharing and articles.

Be positive
Looking at the revenue sharing section,i personally feel myself competitive and thats interesting as well.

Want to make each day Accountable

Definitely I am concentrating on forum discussions only at present.But wish to be in article session also if get good credits and responses.

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