Pakistan Rs.26.....Bangladesh Rs.22......Cuba Rs.19......Nepal Rs.34 ....Burma Rs.30......Afghanistan Rs.36......INDIA Rs.75.40

That our country is having highest price for petrol this is due to .

BASIC COST PER 1 LITRE 16.50 + Centre tax 11.80% + Excise duty 9.75% +
Vat cess 4% + State tax 8% = Total Rs. 50.05 + Now extra 25.35 Rs, PER 1 LITRE

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Lots of tax is taken in our country. The government is run through taking this much tax.

Want to make each day Accountable

The same I had received as SMS.Is it a true case?If really true we have to question this.

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Yes,this is absolutely true. Indian Government is taking too much tax from we people.

Want to make each day Accountable

This is true we are frauded by the government in tax.We are loosing many money on this.

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Indian Government have to make certain adjustment in tax,because of this the Normal people is much affected.

Want to make each day Accountable

Yes, it is true and that is why the hike in petrol prices are always more in India compared to other countries. Common people are suffering due to these taxes. :unsure:
There is a huge list of tax is applied on the petrol definitely the prices will hike .
The common man cant bare this taxes.It is very high to him and his family it will affect a lot of things for the families.

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Countries like Gulf, Afghanistan and nearby countries have heavy reserves of crude. India have to depend on these countries and when Government import, they pay like anything and in turn, we have to pay Rs.70 (approx.) for one litre petrol.
Why the people can't protest against this rather than making noises by political parties?

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