After Gandhi ,Anna Hazare to be conferred "Mahatma" Title.

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'Mahatma' is not an official title. Mahatma Gandhi was addressed as 'Mahatma' first time by Gurudev Ravindra Nath Tagore. Mahatma Gandhi also addressed Tagore as 'Gurudev' for the first time.

So, if you or any one like to address or refer to Anna as 'mahatma' or anything, there is no issue. You may.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

anna hazare is also trying to fight against the evil so he must get the some role name like mahatma gandhi as father of nation.
I think he should get all the title like Mahatma, netaji,Gurudev,Baba etc.
anna hazare is also trying to fight against the evil so he must get the some role name like mahatma gandhi as father of nation.

'Mahtma' is not a title given by government. Anna cannot any way be compared to Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi had a clear vision of national independence and he attained this. On the other hand, anna has no clear mission. You cannot fight corruption without joining politics arena. Even Pandava had to enter Chakra Vyooha to fight against Kauravas. In this connection, Rahul Gandhi has aptly stated that one must enter politics and employ lawful and constitutional means to eradicate corruption. But team anna is indulging only in lawlessness, anarchy and unconstitutional means. Anna hqas no will, way and strategy to enter the 'chakravyooha' of politics to fight corruption. What he is doing is only anarchy. Jai Prakash Narain was a greater crusader and he termed his movement as 'total revolution'. He was addressed as 'Lok Nayak'.

"Mahatma' is only copycat of Gandhi and this title will only make a mockery. However, anyone is free to give any title to anna or any one as this is not given by government.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I would like to give ACH (Anti corruption human)........

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Gulshanji correct.You explained very clearly.Thank you very much.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Anna Hazare blames Government for splitting their movement. But anna should better understand that any sane person including those close to them will not agree with the bizarre and ridiculous way of the team. Recently, Team anna has come openly against Congress candidate in Hissar even though the rival candidates are no saints and are ven charge-sheeted.

No surprise, they are to be split. Santosh Hegde prominent team member has opined against opposing a single party as done in Hissar.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Time has to tell that he is worth for the title.We are hoping too much from him.
Government have made it very abundantly clear that a strong Lok pal Bill with constitutional amendment will be placed before Lok Sabha in winter session of parliament. This will be a constitutional body more powerful than even Election commission.

PM has also hinted at electoral reforms in consultation with other parties/ groups.

Anna team is accused of misleading hazare. Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh poses the question as to whether the tean is behind the rival tainted candidates in Hissar Lok Sabha constituency.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

yes right the way in which team anna is appearing is not expected.
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