we have seen in recent times that share value is going down than earlier y is it like that?

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Don't get panic,You You should invest your money now in low market in sip daily and you will get more in future.

I think market will down more so if we buy share after 3 to 4 days then it will be good.

Santosh Kumar Singh



share market completely depends on the dollor rate. if dollor rate decreases then sharemarket increases

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes its depends upon dollars rate but I do not know how dollars rate goes down...

Santosh Kumar Singh



to know about why the dollars rate go down try to know through this link

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Share market is not stable . it changes every minute . no need to more worry.
But in present days most of the things are dependent upon share market

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Lot of people enter the market without any knowledge and political reason too..

Share market completely depends up on dollor rate only. according ot aht the rate of gold and silver depends

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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