The recent experiments had found that the heart diseases can be cured by the accupenture.

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This may be a great news But this type of treatment is not popular in our country.Am i right.
Yes this treatment is not famous in our country it is popular in japan and china more.

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this is a good news for the people who are suffering from heart problems and for the old people

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Many of us this is a really good news many people are dying today in a small age due to this devil.

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it would be a very very gud news if this is going on in India ,all the people who are suffering from this disease can have a relief that it can be cured

Heart is the vital part of our body.Who will turn to acupuncture when it has some problem?

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The human body and diseases are same. Hence all medical systems- Osteopathy, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Homeopathy have cure for all diseases. The exact way to treat the disease will depend on availability of experts. In our country, Ayurveda is more available besides Allopathic system.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Can any one tell me what is accupenture? I didnt understand what it is

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala it is one type of healing method and is beleived to be painful as needles are injected on different points depending on area od pain.
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