Maverick will you please tell us what is the time difference between Boddunan server and Indian standard time .

When you post the answer please post both the time also
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Feb 04 22:37 CST
Feb 05 10:07 IST

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

The time difference had dealt in this forum many times.At 11:30 am in India the new day will begin to our server!!!
That Means when Indian Time Is 11:30 am Boddunan server time is 12 mid night and the next day started.
According to this all competition,voting ,poll,comment work.
Am I right Maverick?
Your question is the question that is facing almost all.But I think as the day starts in India that days contest also.
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