Anna team civil society is a super force beyond parliament.

If this not enough, supreme court SIT is also a super force beyond parliament. The government thinks so.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Super forces outside parliament that control government is not a good movement.

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Super forces outside parliament that control government is not a good movement.

I agree. The extra constitutional forces out side parliament are undemocratic.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is sure that our democracy will fail if such intrusions are allowed.

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The basic theme of state system according to constitution is separation of executive, legislative and judicial functions. In no circumstances, this should be bypassed. The Local area development Amount allocated to MPs and MLAs is also a breach of this principle. Narsimha Rao had introduced this. This is also a source of corruption and also unjst as same amount is given to all constituencies irrespective of actual need. Some proposals of anna team on Lok Pal also break this basic constitutional doctrine.

Supreme court should also desist from appointing SITs for executive's job and confine to judicial functions only.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

i also agree with this that super power outside parliament is not moral thing.
If we give more importance to them they will get more power and energy. Govt should stop them by hook and cook.
It goes to the credit of our judiciary that by its timely intevention it actually saved Indian democracy! I wonder we if all the scams and scandalsthat rocked this great land of democracy would have come to light but for its proactive role!!!
It goes to the credit of our judiciary that by its timely intevention it actually saved Indian democracy! I wonder we if all the scams and scandalsthat rocked this great land of democracy would have to light but for its proactive role!!!

Judiciary is not blamed for judicial work related to scams. But appointing CITs to investigation under court supervision is encroachment on executive.

The executive, legislature and judiciary as well as business, industry, NGO, social rights organization, press, media belong to the same society and no section can claim to be more honest and sincere.

What we need is that all should restrict themselves to their proper job and not encroach on others' functions

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


As far as my undesrtanding of the constitutional provisions goes there are some areas where our constitution is silent and the founding fathers of it kept them deliberately so to allow evolution of healthy constitutional practices.I would like to know what exactly constitutes judicial work and how formation of SIT is violative of constitutional provisions in the face of abject failure on the part of the executive to play its role. I am particularly referring to its not so edifying role in covering up 2G Spectrum case in which the government tried its worst to shield the accused and thanks to so-called judicial activism to unearth this to the benefit of the nation.

As far as my undesrtanding of the constitutional provisions goes there are some areas where our constitution is silent and the founding fathers of it kept them deliberately so to allow evolution of healthy constitutional practices.I would like to know what exactly constitutes judicial work and how formation of SIT is violative of constitutional provisions in the face of abject failure on the part of the executive to play its role. I am particularly referring to its not so edifying role in covering up 2G Spectrum case in which the government tried its worst to shield the accused and thanks to so-called judicial activism to unearth this to the benefit of the nation.

DSIT is for investigation which is a police job and not judicial one. When one agency fails, another cannot appropriate that function. If this is accepted, one day, we may see military activism. If the entire civil administration including executive, parliamentary and judiciary fails, the army may get activated and take over.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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