Which Changes you want in new India if you get chance to decide it?

Santosh Kumar Singh



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First I will try to remove corruption then I will make some new film city like Mumbai and lot of other target.

Santosh Kumar Singh



i would build up many more industries and companies so that unemployement can be fully eradicated from our country.this shall solve almost all our problems.
That is good to make some more Industries but it will effect Nature more. What else you want to do.

Santosh Kumar Singh



i was planning to write 'in a sustainable developement manner' but then i droped it..by doing sustainable developement the nature will be kept in mind while more and more developement will be done.
education level has to be increased in order to make india a better country.
I want to distribute money in poor people to make them educated and to provide them food and collect money from the rascals
Isha instead of distributing money if you dream like to give system to poor people to give free education that will be better otherwise for money anyone can come but its not necessary the will take right education.

Santosh Kumar Singh



on second thoghts i would demolish this government and make way for a new democratic govt whose leaders would not be corrupt
Deven rana is right, and even I would demolish the government, and make a new one with educated youths


I shall work for cent percent literacy, 50% secondary education, 30% higher education and 10% top research level education all from state fund. No private institutes. Only merit. No money power, no caste reservation. Full employment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I like to abolish religious differences,remove poverty and terminate unemployment.
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