In muslim religion , why men only goto mosque to pray?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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It is already answered in another post that women observe Purdah and hence will not pray in mosque with men. They can pray at a place exclusively for women. That is why men only go to mosque.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Women in islam are not suppose to go or mix with men freely, women observe purdah from men. Women should pray at home, and men should go to mosque and pray with other men.

It is not only men but also women go to mosque for prayer.

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women never goto mosque. If they go then that mosque is constructed for women only

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Well i think women are allowed in Dargah's and even i went to a Dargah in Hyderbad. But i dont think women are allowed in mosques. There was a special place for player in that dargah where only men were praying and i was not allowed. :unsure:
Thanks Gulshanji and Sarala for sharing this I never heard this.You explained very nicely.
Its an Islam tradition that only men can go to mosque but not women.
It is not only men but also women go to mosque for prayer.

Women go to mosque only in ramadan if their is a separate place to pray for women,

Its an Islam tradition that only men can go to mosque but not women.

Yes you are right pradeep, in Islam only men can go to mosque not women, now adays women to mosque in ramadan where there is a separate place for women to pray. Women go to mosque to pray with other women in the evenings. And not all the women go, it is not a tradition for women to go but few women go.

Well i think women are allowed in Dargah's and even i went to a Dargah in Hyderbad. But i dont think women are allowed in mosques. There was a special place for player in that dargah where only men were praying and i was not allowed.

Yes you are right rajani, women are not allowed in few Dargah's not all, and there is usually a different place for women. And in Islam men and women can't pray together. Men can't pray behind a women so women have a separate place for prayers

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