Itis shown Rs 10 is awarded for members of the week,but not showing in total cash credit.why?
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Total cash credit will be updated periodically so you have to wait..
Yes, even I won a group discussion in the recent past and a runners up in another but the same has not been updated. I think we need to wait for sometime to get it updated and if it doesn't I think i have to send a message or PM to the concerned members of the site....
My cash credits on the whole not updated too and i think it will take time to update as the Admin is busy with sites new features.Let wait for sometime. :)
But usually once the award is announced we can see the cash credits in our account.

boddunan people have their own schedule for every section and segment so according to that schedule they update the points and credits. We should be patience and wait. We need not to worry.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It will take sometime to get added to the total cash credit.
ya same thing happened to me also . but i know we should wait and m also waiting and lets focus on work as the updation is the part of admin not of us we should work only.
Let us wait.Thanks for sharing. It may be updated after few days.
You may better contact the administrator of boddunan for the same.
please keep patience it will once awarded after 5-6 days so dont panic.
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